First Foundation Blog
Work on this initiative began about a month before the launch of this web page.
The initial idea was to start a refugee centre for victims of emergency management overreach. That centre would then be connected to a foundation that would set up branches world
wide with firms of attorneys that would obtain copies of the unilateral international treaties of emergency management promoted by the likes of the UN, World bank and World Economic forum.
The reason for that was to incorporate universally accepted fundamental rights clauses (as they are tempered by varying levels of national and global emergencies).
The legal firms would also be asked to obtain un-redacted copies of the indemnities signed between their governments and the vaccine manufacturers. More so because the indemnities
are also described as confidentiality / intellectual property and perhaps even non-circumvention agreements. The reason for that was to facilitate the aims of the Actio
Popularis initiative that I also founded.
The realization that the legal aspects are intrinsically connected to any self sufficient refugee base for those barred from the workforce, travel and many businesses, became
all the more immutable as the research and evidence rolled in.
Moreover, I was approached by several people that experienced difficulty in obtaining medical treatment without being coerced into testing for COVID-19 and then being subjected to the
dangerous COVID-19 treatment protocols. Moreover, the doctors and hospitals could not and in some cases would not draw blood from them to be used in surgery, insisting that
vaccinated blood is safe. Even more troubling were the number of doctors, nurses, paramedics, chiropractors and other professionals in the health care system that had lost their
jobs or had to close their practices because of the draconian levels of inducement and coercion with regards to mandates and vaccines etc.
It was at that stage that I realized that the Control Group Blood Bank initiative would have to be linked to health care by those professionals who have elected not to be coerced by
big Pharma through their governments.
It also became clear that the pandemic is just a beta test for the great reset preached by the likes of Charles Schwab of the World Economic Forum and its many prominent and leading
political and economic adherents.
Having taken a good look at the various levels and sources of push-back and the reaction of the world's governments to it, I also realized that one cannot just wait the situation out,
allowing the protagonists to supply more damning evidence of injuria and allowing those pushing back to acquire the necessary evidence of cause for a series of cases that will
bring finality to the global psyop.
The staggering success of the psyop was a further factor that sparked the realization that a combined economic, medical and legal synergy needed to be developed to counter a
political over reach and power grab so immense that it has effectively split the world community into a group of compliant accomplices on the one hand and an embattled group of
enlightened non-compliant freedom warriors on the other hand. A group who have in fact who have been demonized to the extent where the majority of the populous wish them jobless,
poor, without access to health care and starving to death.
The realization that the situation had in fact escalated so out of control that in places like Italy the time to get disconnected from the system into self sufficient communities
had all but run out. The international trend to compulsory vaccination has reached levels of hysteria attributable to religious cults.
Hence this initiative.
In the following blogs I will discuss how to effectively put this initiative to use.
However, first I must prepare a Power Point presentation and video blog as one can illustrate points far more effectively with images, actual evidence, examples and a talking head.
βIn the mean time Dr. Jack Stagman of 7M Global in the USA has sent out a request to several potential collaborators to join the collaboration think tank. Thank you Jack.
Keep watching this blog and be sure to sign up for the newsletter.
Should you wish to make direct contact please e-mail me on or call my mobile on +61 452578992.
Please take in consideration time zones as I am on the east coast of Australia.
Izak Labuschagne