Crowd Funding

We have today, 22-02-2022 set up a Give Send Go crowdfunding site.
You can find it at the following link: Reset Freedom Foundation
The text on the site reads as follows:
The Reset Freedom Foundation, its background, goals, and current development is set out at
International Reset Freedom Foundation
The world is changing and, the populous, the world over, have expressed their need for real freedom. Independence from physical, medical, mental, legal, and political
manipulation and abuse is sorely desired by the masses of ordinary people out there.
So, the need to organize into communities that provide real solutions taking into consideration the basic three realities;
- commercial, legal, and political, has become an absolute priority.
This initiative addresses this in a manner that is built on collaboration, growth, discernment, and the wisdom required for it to succeed.
However, no initiative can succeed without funding: - Most people getting involved at this inception stage are simply donating their time and effort without monetary compensation.
Setting up costs, coordination, and permanent staff requirements all cost substantial sums of money. Something that ordinary folk do not have, especially the victims of emergency
management overreach that this initiative is focussed on assisting.
We have launched this initial campaign on this forum as an Australian Registered Business. As the funding rolls in it will be registered as a charitable trust as set out in its
founding aims so that the required tax references and codes can be used to claim donations as a tax deduction.
For now, we need you to help lay the foundations for all that.
If you think this is a worthy cause, please do not hesitate to further it for the good of all. God knows, our world needs this.
Please help us get this campaign properly kick-started by clicking on the link and making a donation. As stated, the moment the charitable trust is registered we shall send you the tax codes for claiming your tax deduction.