
A free market alternative to the reset narrative

The time has come to burst the shackles of manipulation and control.
Now is the time for real freedom, independence and self sufficiency.

ABN: 72980589162

International Head Office in Australia

​ Branches in every country


Where charitable donations need a trust such as in

Constitution of the Foundation and associated Trust (where applicable)

Taken from precedents of Gates, Clinton, Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Schwab and Soros foundations and trusts

Terms of reference

Copied from Unilateral UN international treaties on crisis and emergency management
(Scale of fundamental rights violations against level of emergency highlighted2

1. A public ancillary fund established using the relevant model trust deed will be charitable under the laws of the relevant state or territory and will also be a charity for the purposes of the Charities Act 2013 (CTH).
Ref: Public ancillary fund model trust deed

2. For basic research see here:
Emergency v Fundamental Right and Emergency v Fundamental Right UN Treaties

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